Hello, my loyal readers! This month has been special to me because it is the month, I was born many years ago. I am reflecting what has transpired in my life since my decision to have my life totally dedicated to God. Since I have made that choice, my journey has been full of amazing surprises, challenges for growth, and joy in the process.
Surrendering your life, dreams, hopes, future ambitions, past regrets, present problems, and disillusionment is not easy to give it up. The most frightening action is to give it all to God without taking it back! Letting Him take control of every aspect of your life is scary to say the least! Yet, the true heart of worship is surrender.
I read this in “The Purpose Driven Life” which I want to share with you. There are three barriers that block our total surrender to God: fear, pride, and confusion. Can we trust God? The bible says, “Perfect love cast out fear.” He loves us unconditionally, however, do we truly believe it?
Pride does not want to admit we cannot control everything. We are flawed with limitations. We try to manage all that is around us without realizing we are not God, nor will we ever be. When we acknowledge we can’t do it alone wholeheartedly then God can work in us.
Confusion does not permit you to see, hear, nor understand the plan and purpose God has for you. Chaos and confusion sometimes go hand in hand to cause you to stumble and not give with all your desires to God. The author of confusion is not God ever! Ask for guidance and wisdom for He will give you clarity.
“Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes.” Romans 6: 13b
Peace, Love, and Joy!
Sandra Ivette Miranda