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Love Conquers All

“Little children, le tus not love with word or with tongue, but in action and in truth.”

1 John 3:18

Good day, my soul friends! I want to share with you a short message of what it is to decide to love without reservation. This world is full of violence, many anxieties, fear, and doubt. What is lacking in life most of all is love and understanding. There is so many pressures we face daily. What is maintaining us anchored firmly with hope?

The keyword is love. Love is a daily decision. End of the story. It is precious when we know we are loved. Whether it be our parents, spouses, friends, etc.…. But what about our own selves? Is there inside of us the well of love that is not only for those that love us but also for those that despises us?

A well cannot have two distinct classes of water. Or it will be sweet or bitter, but not both. What is that flows from within you? You may be saying to me, why am I asking this question? My answer is that to conquer, flourish, and remain in a fulfilled life is to demonstrate a sincere love to all. The love I am referring to is an unconditional love.

This love does not originate in us but in God that his pure essence is love. God deposits his essence in those hearts that desires intentionally love but not with words. Because words are taken away by the wind. But by our pure actions for others. Not expecting NOTHING from the other person. Only because you want to demonstrate divine love. Let Him pour His Love in you so then you can pour in others!

That today you make the decision to love deeply and without reservation because Love conquers all!

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Ivette Miranda

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