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Psalms 51 1:2 “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to they lovingkindness: according to the multitude of they tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.”

It is important to have healing of the body when it is harmed, diseased, or injured. So, it is vital to have an internal check-up of the condition of our soul. What is affecting it or what is the ailment you are facing right now? You may not be able to articulate it, but you are not yourself. You may be even in denial. The joy and peace you may have felt before is lingering elsewhere but not with you. Or you feel it comes and goes but something is missing.

An evaluation of where you at emotionally will provide you a check-up to become emotionally healthy. Please consider these steps for you to do so you can be able to head to internal healing. Be open-hearted and receptive to hearing from God. Transparency is key to have a visible transformation in you.

First, take a halt in your busy schedule. Go to a quiet place to shut all the noise clutter and distractions. Take with you a journal and pen in hand to put down what you are feeling and sensing as you look deep within yourself.

  1. In verse 1- David begins his prayer by recognizing that God was loving and had mercy. He was not just saying it to say it. He tangibly experienced it in his life repeatedly in various incidents. God delivered him and forgave him when he was unfaithful and disobedient. He had a personal understanding of who God was in his life.

  2. This is important for us to start our prayer with that understanding as well. Who is God to you? What has he been in your life? Recognizing and praising him for it, allows for your heart to be receptive to what He wants to say to you.

  3. In verse 2- Acknowledge that he has sinned against God. He does not blame anyone else nor God for his condition. He has missed the mark and does not hide the fact he is the only one to be blamed for it. He also knew that the only way he can rid of his condition was to be washed and cleansed by God. He gave permission to God to do the process.

  4. The same is true for the healing to occur in you. Recognize the sin that separates you from God. Confess it and ask for Him to come and do what needs to be done inside of you.

He will reveal those hidden or unknown areas that need to be exposed to bring about inner change. Are you ready for it? What do you see, hear, and feel? Write it down. Take a deep breath. Release the emotions you have bottled for so long. Scream if you must. Bring out the tears, anger, sadness, frustrations from your heart and mind.

Psalms 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

As you are releasing it, He is cleaning the inside of you and liberating it to be able to bring you peace, love, joy, and forgiveness. Your heart and your spirit will be radically renewed because of your willingness to change your situation. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Let the choice begin today.

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Miranda

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Good day my family! It has been a while since my last blog. I miss all of you! I am so glad to be with you this week for several reasons. First, you are very special to me and it is an honor to bring words of love and encouragement to help in your journey. Secondly, I just finished

launching my first book on April 10 th in Tampa, Florida!

I feel like I gave birth! It had been a little hectic for me because of the completion of my book “Masterfully Crafted.” Writing the book has been a journey in itself. Going back and revisiting my experiences again was a trip I hesitated going. There were times when I was retelling my life’s journey I felt great. While other times, it was painful.

I will be very candid in what I am about to say. It is undressing and showing you all my scars, nakedness, raw emotions, and vulnerability for everyone to see. This is extremely scary for me! Why? All my life, I have been a very reserved and private person. I am more of an introvert. Not even my family knew many of the struggles I was facing.

However, I learned in my journey it is important to let people see your scars and imperfections. So, no more covering or hiding for me. I am bringing truth of me to shed light. This light is for you to be able to see how God moves on when we are open and vulnerable to Him. When we are honest with ourselves, face the truth, and allow the truth to heal us.

Then, you will see things in the light of the truth you have experienced with Him. “But whoever practices truth (and does what is right-morally, ethically, spiritually) comes to the Light, so that his works may be plainly shown to be what they are- accomplished in God (divinely prompted, done with God’s help, in dependence on Him).” John 3:21

Be candid and vulnerable with Him. Express all your raw emotions, frustrations, and disbelief. Don’t be religious! He knows your true intentions, your true feelings, and wants you to give it to Him. Then, He can give you truth which will heal and set you free. Finally, you will no longer be in the dark. His Light will shine bright in you!

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Miranda

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What is the true motivation in what we do, say, or think? That should be the question we should ask ourselves when we are faced with a person, decision, or situation. When we stop and reflect this internally, we will be able to live a more congruent life. You will be true to


This will impact greatly your environment you are in. It is critical to be aligned with your true beliefs and convictions to be able to have the greatest impact in your sphere of influence. There will be transparency and consistency that will speak loudly than words could ever possibly achieve.

Looking internally can and is scary! I can attest to that, for sure. However, it is vital to be able to be at peace with yourself. Contemplate yourself in the mirror and ask what are your core values? What is important in my life? Write them down and meditate on them.

Don’t let your motivation be of sense of duty, guilt, or compulsion. You will start to resent it internally and it will manifest in sarcasm, bitterness, and anger. Those around you will sense it but may not express it verbally. Let your basis of true motivation be founded on selfless love.

Let every day be a reminder of what you want to be and do before leaving this home called Earth. Leave a permanent footprint and legacy for others to be an example of who you influenced and impacted. Always be intentional in your positive words, selfless actions, and pure motives. Know that what you do, say, and/or think have the greatest impact!

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Miranda

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