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Hello, my loyal readers! Today, I want to share with you a poem for you to

ponder and meditate. Have a time of reflection of what it is saying to you

personally. Say it out loud until every fiber of your being believes it! Embrace it

passionately and treasure it always!


because I know my Weaknesses


because I am aware of my Flaws


because I learnt to recognize, illusion from Real


because I learn from my Mistakes


because I have felt Hate



because I have known Sadness

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your

mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and

acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Ivette Miranda

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Hello, my loyal readers! Have you ever seen something and knew exactly who was the one that made it or did the job? You can tell by the shoes, clothing, art, or even food who was the one who did it. So is what we do in our lives as well.

Whatever we do reflects who we are. What is your work say about you? Have you ever considered this question? If not, take a moment now and evaluate it. Does it speak about your excellence, passion, love, and care? Are people drawn to it? This will determine the effectiveness of your deeds and actions in your life toward yourself and others.

Be intentional in how you do things, say things, and give out things. Why? It expresses more than words could ever do. Let it be an extension to give to others of yourself. The impact will

be felt for years to come. You can even influence others to see things in a different light.

I was given several years ago a framed poem of the “Touch of the master’s Hand” that was a story of an old, battered violin that was abandoned. A professional violinist saw it with admiration. He took it and started to play while the music penetrated the very soul of those that heard. In his hand, it reflected his love and passion of the instrument.

Today, my question is to you, “What is what you are doing saying about you?” “Whatever you do (whatever your task maybe), work from the soul (that is, put in your best effort), as (something one) for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Ivette Miranda

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Hello, my loyal readers! It is the last week of the month of August and soon we will be in winter. Can you believe it? It is so important to not only prepare for the future but to enjoy in the now. We get caught up either what we should have done or what we need to do. Have you ever just said, “I am just going to forget it all and just be.”

If that has not occurred recently or you can’t ever recollect that at all, then stop EVERYTHING! Take a moment in your schedule even if it is 30 minutes to just either close your eyes or listen to instrumental soft music. Or even better yet, have silence as your companion. As I mentioned in the last blog, silence will allow you to declutter internally.

Take an inventory of your accomplishments, your actionable goals, and then set them aside to enjoy your now. Don’t beat yourself for not doing anything for appointed moment. You will be recharged internally to be able to confront anything externally with a smile on your face. Remember, “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is your future. Today is your life. Live it.”

“No, dear brothers and sister, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” Philippians 3:13

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Ivette Miranda

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