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Love Affectionately!

Welcome my friends to another moment we can be together and converse about a very important topic. The topic for this month is all about love. Many songs have been written about this subject, from The Beatles with “All we need is love” to Tina Turner singing “What’s love got to do with it.” So many definitions of love that can be found while researching its true meaning.

I am going to be writing about different relationships and the thread that holes it together is this four letter word we know as LOVE. In order to proceed, let us find out it’s meaning to provide clarity in what is and what it is not. It is a verb which implies that you can feel it, see it, and sense it. It is demonstrative in essence that words are not necessary to elaborate nor articulate to prove it is present.

1 Corinthians 13:4 - 8 gives a very descriptive list of what love looks like:

  1. Endures with patience and serenity

  2. Kind and thoughtful

  3. Not jealous or envious

  4. Not rude, self-seeking, or provoked to anger

  5. Forgives - doesn’t hold grudges

  6. Does not rejoice at injustice

  7. Rejoices with the truth (when right and truth prevails)

  8. It bears all things (regardless of what comes)

  9. Believes all things (looking for the best in each other)

  10. Hopes all things (remaining steadfast during difficult times)

  11. Endures all things (without weakening)

  12. Never fails (it never fades nor ends)

This clearly provides a keen snapshot of what to look for when seeking, showing and living out love. Now, I’m going to ask the question, “How do you rate yourself from the descriptions above?” Honestly, how many can you say that you are doing or being in the different relationships you are involved in. I mean as a son or daughter, husband or wife, fiancé, sibling, etc...

In the next few Mondays, I will be elaborating on the five different types of love which are Philia, Storge, Eros, Philautia, and Agape. It will guide you to a better understanding and shed light into your heart to heal from past hurts as well as strengthen the present relationships. It will also spark a new hope that may have been dormant for a long time. Or increase the capacity to express and show your true feelings toward others.

My desire is to stir pure emotions and sincere feelings to be able to express externally what is on the inside with a genuine heart without any hidden agendas. By diving deeper internally, you will be able to evaluate your own state and make adjustments to be able to live a life that loves affectionately!

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Miranda

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