Hi, my loyal readers! Today, I want to share about the passing of my father. We mourn his loss, but he gave us a beautiful gift. He gave us a legacy which is only a six-letter word. Yet, its significance is powerful. A Legacy may come from one's character, reputation and the life you lead.
It is setting an example for others and to guide their futures. Who you've helped or mentored or taught. Those who've been moved by your role model and journey. It's your behavior. How have you walked your talk and the model you've shown each and every life that you've touched.
This transcends even after you have passed away from this earthly life. To be remembered by those who loved you and were impacted by your life. Such was the case with my dad, Jose Antonio Lozada, who took my mom for his wife, my sister Mary, and I as his daughters.
In the passing of the years, he has shown me what a father should look like:
Man of respect- he meant what he said, and he said what he meant.
Man of prayer- kneeling at the side of the bed to talk to God.
Man with a sense of humor- would tell jokes at the dinner table.
Tenderhearted man- he was there to help me when I had no one to do it.
Affectionate man- until the end he expressed his love to mom.
Hard working man- he did not stop until the job was completed.
This is the legacy he left behind for me…
Let this be the case with you. What do people say about who you are in their lives? What impact do you want to leave behind for others to follow? It is a priceless gift!
“One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalms 145:4
Peace, Love, and Joy!
Sandra Ivette Miranda