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Internal Spring Cleaning

Hello, my friends! Can you believe it is already March! It is the third month of the year where signs of spring are announcing a new season. Are you excited about it? Or is apprehension causing you to stall in what God’s is wanting to do in your life? Let NOTHING stand in your way to your fresh start. Don’t hesitate, let’s begin!

With that said, I would like you take a moment and evaluate your entire environment. I mean internally and externally do a complete and thorough inventory. Just as we do a spring cleaning of the house, so it is necessary to do for your spirit, mind, and body. Decluttering and organizing will allow for a new perspective which will welcome what is next for you with open arms.

Our spirit can be cluttered with unresolved issues with ourselves and others. Spend time meditating in God’s word along with a journal to write down what He reveals to you. When you ask God to reveal areas of your life that needs to be highlighted, guess what? I can assure you; HE WILL SHOW YOU. You must be honest and vulnerable to accept His answers. With your sincere obedience, your life will start to change for the better.

Our mind is a treasure chest that is filled with so much wealth of information since childhood. We take our experiences, our regrets, our perspectives and our hopes and dreams and store it away. Now, it is time to open the treasure chest and determine what are the things that should be totally discarded for good. By you doing this exercise consistently, you will be able to free up space to expand your mental and emotional wealth. What is important to keep and what do deeply care about? What is your love and passion for?

These questions will provide a base to which you can toss or keep in your life. Similar questions should be asked when it comes to the body. Our body is the only residence we must live in. The care you give to your body determines for the most part how well it will function for us. Just as we need to maintain the vehicles daily, so is our bodies critical to our quality of life. What is it you put in your body? One commercial I have seen long time ago, showed a jogger running and the back of him was two big cinnamon buns. The commercial said, “You are what you eat.”

Let today be the start of a new you, new season, new perspective, and new outcome. Deeply care about your internal and external environment. Understanding that it all begins with an introspection with you and God. He will bring clarity, wisdom, and insight to your life for a better future!

“Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart. And do not rely on your insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth (removing obstacles that block your way).

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Miranda


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