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Hi, loyal readers! Have you ever been profoundly affected by a circumstance where you were not able to speak at all? Yet the only thing that came gushing out of you were burning tears. Your answer is, yes? Those tears loudly spoke volumes when the words became silently muted.

What happens when we cry? When we cry for extended periods of time, our body releases oxytocin and endorphins. These feel-good hormones help diminish our physical and/or emotional pain. The endorphins once they’re released will cause the body to become a more relaxed stage. Meanwhile, oxytocin provides a sense of calm and wellbeing.

According to, emotional tears contain more stress hormones and natural painkillers than other types of tears. They serve a therapeutic role, also known as “a good cry.” Emotional crying, which tends to make you feel better, may be a part of the healing process. With that said, don’t bottle your emotions in. Let your tears flow to communicate what you are feeling!

After you have released all that is inside of you, rest your spirit, mind, and body to recuperate. You will find yourself refreshed and renewed with a new perspective. After you have cried out your emotions, let peace enter your heart. Later, take the moment to write your experience down. Let love and joy wrap themselves like a warm blanket for you to cuddle up!

“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Ivette Miranda

Hello, loyal readers! Forgiving is an act of will that is difficult but necessary to do so that there are no severe results in our personal lives. Not only does it impact internally but you can visibly see in the body, our emotions and attitudes, and personal relationships the results of it.

I made an acrostic of the word Forgive to express the necessary steps to be able to succeed in this very important topic.

Face your emotions, behavior, and actions so that you don't have a root of bitterness.

Offer to God and trustworthy person your feelings, your pain, and sorrow.

Release the shackles of memories that constantly remind you of what happened.

Giveaway all the emotions, anger, resentment so you don’t internalize it.

Invite God to heal your heart and fill you with his love and grace.

Value inner peace that will provide protection to your heart and mind in God. Life is short!

Embrace God’s love and comfort to heal you spirit, soul, and body!

It is not only forgiving others but forgiving yourself. Guilt robs us of time, happiness, joy, and if possible, even our purpose in life. Decide today to surrender all that is inside so that you can exchange sadness, grief, resentment, anger, and guilt for love, mercy, joy, forgiveness, and acceptance.

"If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you.”

Matthew 6:14

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Ivette Miranda

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Hello, faithful readers. I just came back from a trip to Houston, Texas and we had a little bit of turbulence. My emotions started to get stirred up to try to get the best of me. I had to remind myself that I needed to not panic.

Regardless of what we cannot control in life, we can control our emotions. Emotions are needed to express what we feeling inside of us. Understanding the why we are feeling them is important in order to navigate our lives. Once we understand they why, we can face the root of it.

When the root cause is fear, confront it by not living willingly with fear. Fear paralyzes you to the point you are stuck. Time seems to be passing you by without your consent. How can you get rid of fear?

Exposing the lie that brought fear into your life! The moment you remember it, you will have to choice do I keep believing it. When you decide, absolutely not! Then you must acknowledge you will reject it once and for all. Afterwards, say you will believe that love conquers all! You see perfect love cast out fear!

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18

Peace, Love, and Joy!

Sandra Ivette Miranda

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